Case study – Determination of the freezing point of gelled solutions at negative temperatures

Sector: Animal hygiene

Client type: SME

Service contact: R&D

The Customer wishes to better quantify the thermal behavior of its gelled solutions used in cold conditions (below -5°C) for animal hygiene and calls on Rheonis to develop a reliable instrumental method and characterize the freezing and thawing point of his products.

Adapt approaches to the specificities of customer products and their application

In response to this request, RHEONIS implemented its know-how in instrumental techniques to adapt the usual protocols for viscosity measurement and viscoelastic measurement to the specificities of customer products and their application.

The stages of the study were therefore as follows:

  1. Adaptation of an instrumental protocol adapted to customer products
  2. Systematic measurement of freezing and thawing point values
  3. Writing a summary report and interpreting the data

Intervention System Gauge

Product & Ingredient 20%
Process & Application 1%
Measurement & Instrumentation 80%
Methods for Industry 60%

Precision at the service of performance

The instrumental method implemented provides the Customer with data on the behavior of its products inaccessible by its usual techniques, making it possible to optimize the conditions of application and to guide the formulation process.

The advantages of our approach to rheometry

Protocols adapted to the specificities of the products

High range of accessible thermal conditions (down to -40°C)

Robustness of measures

Operational recommendations

Do you have any questions or would you like to discuss with us your projects and issues relating to the thermal behavior of your products in demanding conditions? Do not hesitate to contact us.

Last Updated on February 14, 2022 by Vincent Billot