Case Study – Enamel Spray Problem Solving Expertise

Sector: Ceramics

Customer type: Group

Contact department: R&D / Production / Quality

The Customer encounters unexplained variabilities in the quality of deposit in its process of spraying enamel on ceramics and calls on RHEONIS to support a better understanding of the product/process coupling and the resolution of the problem.

Simplified and reliable study of product/process coupling

RHEONIS carried out an on-site analysis visit to discuss with the teams and analyze the process in operation. Different samples were collected for a subsequent step carried out by RHEONIS in its laboratory to quantify the dynamic rheological behavior of the products (flow curve, thixotropy, etc.). The cross-interpretation of measurement data, field observations and process data made it possible to identify the critical factor and to formulate operational recommendations for additional tests and improvements within the framework of a restitution report.

The steps of the process:

  1. On-site working day
  2. Study of product behavior on a few samples
  3. Cross-interpretation of field data and study data
  4. Formulation of recommendations

Intervention System Gauge

Product & Ingredient 30%
Process & Application 30%
Measurement & Instrumentation 30%
Methods for Industry 30%

Direct industrial trials towards concrete improvements

The combination of on-site diagnosis and the R&D study has a double benefit: on-site diagnosis makes it possible to guide the study approaches and the protocols and parameters of interest; The R&D study in rheometry makes it possible to quantify behaviors and interpret them in the light of observations. The recommendations made then concern both the process conditions and the products.

The advantages of the process problem solving approach

Short walk

On-site diagnosis with the Customer teams

Scientific elements of understanding

Operational recommendations for industrial trials

Do you have questions or want to talk to us about your process, spraying or other issues? Do not hesitate to leave us a message and your contact details via the chat, the contact form or contact us directly.

Last Updated on February 14, 2022 by Vincent Billot