Tailor-made services
RHEONIS is at your side through services, projects and parnerships for bringing up solutions and methods fitted to your technical challenges and operative constraints.
We propose a unique methodology and innovative techniques, able to provide quick and reliable answers to various issues : production problem solving, design of innnovative solutions, development and internalisation of predictive methods, improvement of your process performance, training of your teams.

Our core activities
Our activity is based upon five activities : Consulting, Study, Development, Innovation, Training.

Example of actions
- Industrial diagnosis et process/product expertise
- Sourcing, benchmarking & technical consulting
- Technical and/or scientifical state-of-the-art
- Technico-scientifical feasability
- R&D study
- Formulation
- Design and development of testbeds and prototypes
- Development of instrumental predictive methods
- Measurement, scientific consulting, technical support, training, …
Work together
Our action starts from the first call with the analysis of your need and discussions around your issues and constraints. This allows us to :
- Share with you our understanding of your situation and our feeedback on similar or approaching situations
- Examine potential actions, their added values, associated risks and necesseray steps
- Feed your reflexions for your definition of priorities among possibilities
Whatever the modality of service (one-shot action, improvement project, global approach, innovation partnership), we make all that it takes to :
- Provide significant added-value at each step
- Organise each step to reduce the risks and produce results
- Provide elements for your decisions and further orientations
- Empower your team
Crédit Impôt Recherche (for France-located organisations)
RHEONIS est bénéficiaire de l’agrément Crédit Impôt Recherche du Ministère de l’Enseignement et de la Recherche, en tant que prestataire de R&D. Vous bénéficiez ainsi d’un crédit d’impôt de 30% sur le montant des actions relevant de R&D autorisées.
Plus d’informations sur le site du Ministère